[Cz-L] Holocaust Wall in the Jewish Museum in Czernowits

From: Nurit <nu1902_at_bezeqint.net>
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 09:26:50 +0200
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Nurit <nu1902_at_bezeqint.net>

Dear all Czernowitzers,

I am following with great interest the correspondence about the Jewish
Museum in C-z.

I think that the struggle for a museum to include between its walls the
holocaust is justified (!), if only for
the fact that until present day there are still leaders in Europe that
denies the holocaust.

Therefor, and in response to Miriam Lava's letter, such museum has a
unique additional role,
naming: of reminding constantly that the holocaust did happened!.

It is in view of that perspective that I also think other factors should
not prevent us of spending all efforts
to influence those who have the power of decision. Thus, I am impressed
by Bruce's letter to Ms. Lenchovska,
that is written with proper reasoning and with dignity, respect and

At the same time, I think Miraim Lava's suggestion - building our
museum, by following what WE believe should
be included - is interesting (especially, when we compare to the Iraki's
Jews museum in Or-Yehuda, Israel).

Chag Same'ach to all of you,

Dr. Nurit Ben-Zvi, nu1902_at_bezeqint.net
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