re: [Cz-L] Jewish Museum - thoughts

From: Miriam Suss <>
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:33:39 +1000
To: 'Czernowitz list' <>
Reply-to: Miriam Suss <>

Dear All
Having followed all the correspondence regarding the Museum with interest
and with wavering opinions swayed somewhat by each of the arguments pro and
con, only Miriam Lava's words of wisdom have finally moved me to write.
My mother, who is now almost 90, and well beyond travelling, never wanted to
return when she was physically able, to her beloved birthplace Chernowitz,
partly because she did not want to shatter the dream, nor did she want to
support economically the then Soviet regime.
When I visited, as much as I was moved to return to her old haunts and
important addresses, I found a crumbling city. In fact during my very stay,
a building on what had been the Herrengasse collapsed, killing three
Miriam is right - the Ukrainian authorities will decide ultimately what is
shown there, and none of us, with all our clever letter-writing will have
any control.
Perhaps our efforts should be targeted at a place where our memories, our
memorabilia and our heritage is valued, be it Beth Hatefutzot, or some other
substantial institution. Personally I would prefer it to be one situated in
Israel and not the US.
And a Hag Pesach Sameach to all - Miriam, the toch is on the menu, of
Miriam Suss
Melbourne, Australia
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