Re: [Cz-L] Funds Collection?

From: jerome schatten <>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2008 11:51:09 -0700
To: "Ya`akov N. Miles" <>,
Reply-to: jerome schatten <>

Ya'akov... it is far to early to be thinking of contributions for

We (the list) are just a list, not a legal entity. Thus, we have no
PayPal, credit/debit cards, bank accounts, or any other formal means
of collecting or disbursing monies or issuing receipts.

In the past when we have embarked on projects that required funds,
those interested sent personal cheques to a volunteer co-ordinator.

Thanks though for your kind offer -- stay tuned.

On Wed, 09 Apr 2008 09:57:48 -0700, Ya`akov N. Miles <>

> Do you have a Credit Card facility or a PayPal facility that will
> accept funds?
> I am neither rich nor a Czernowitz survivor, but am willing to
> quietly kick
> in a modest amount of money, if you can accept it in a form that I
> can send
> directly from my wheelchair in my apartment (Yes, I am disabled!) I
> don't
> think that you can issue Income Tax receipts good for Canadian
> purposes,
> so the Credit Card record or the PayPal record will cost you
> nothing, and
> it will give me proof positive that you got my donation.
> Hag Someach u Kosher! (Pesach is almost upon us!)
> Ya`akov Nachum Miles


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