[Cz-L] Czernowitz Jewish museum

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:06:22 -0400
To: HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_bezeqint.net>, Czernowitz <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

Hardy is right, this museum is ours, let's make it the best we can.

The outline, Natalya Shevchenko sent Marianne, with my own corrections,

> I. General information on the Jews of Bukovina ( a map, information
> on the community, statues, and Austrian documents)
> II. Rabbinical Judaism (The Groschil Synagogue, Rabbi S. Horowitz
> the Legend of Besht, and 'Khevra Tehilim
> III. The Wiznitz Hager Dynasty.
> IV. The Sadagora Friedman Dynasty
> V. Boianner Rebbe
> VI. Folk Art (The matzeves or matzevot)
> and murals of the Synagogue of Beniamin (Weiss)
> Three glass display cases containing archival documents and a
> horizontal shelf containing Jewish artifacts.
> In the corner of the interior composition "Shabbat."
> Along the perimeter of the room, a frieze with large slides
> depicting the synagogues of Bukovina.
> Room Number Two:
> The general theme will be "The Lives of the Emancipated Jews of
> Bukovina."
> Five display cases:
> I. The community of Czernowitz, the Synagogue.
> II. The 1908 Yiddish Conference .
> III. Literature (Steinbarg, Manger, Frantzos, Auslander, Celan,
> and others.)
> IV. Culture (Jewish Theatre, Music, and Fine Art - Kolnik, Lerner,
> Kopelman, Reder, and others.)
> V. Political Life (Parties, the activities of Straucher, the
> Zionist of activities of M. Ebner.)
> Along the perimeter of the room a frieze with slides depicting
> images of community building and every day life in Chernivtsi.
> A wall comprised of glass shelves containing books on the subject.
> We plan to have the large window converted into stained-glass and
> have a model of the Synagogue on a podium in the middle of the room.
> In one of the corners of the room we will have a display of a stone
> "matzeva" (gravestone)

If each one of us would try to find material that fits one of the above
outlined categories, we could help make this quite a good exhibit.
Please look both among material which you may have in your possession,
as well as what may be available in libraries, or what you might obtain
 from other sources.

Try for instance to contact Hassidim of the above mentioned Rabbis
and possibly they will be able to supply both information as well
as photographs and artifacts.
It may also be possible to obtain recordings of the special "Nusach"
prayers and "Zmires" of some of the Hassidic courts.

It may be useful to keep track of the material we can supply
for the museum, by keeping a list to which we add as we find
suitable "stuff". We could categorize each item according to Natalya's
outline, such as:
Room 2, display case V, for items fitting "Political Life" and
Room 1, IV. Items suitable for "The Sadagora Friedman Dynasty"

On the subject line of any e-mails pertaining to this, we could write:


Have a wonderful Seder,



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