Re: [Cz-L] Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands?

From: i vaisman <>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:54:01 -0400
Reply-to: i vaisman <>

Due to the 30 years old internal conflict there are two de facto Chief
Rabbis in the Netherlands: HaRav Gaon Meir Just (his official title is
Voorzitter van het Opperrabbinaat - Chairman of the Chief Rabbinate)
and Rabbi Raphael Evers (Nederlands-Isralitisch Kerkgenootschap
Rabbijn - Rabbi of the Netherlands Jewish Community). Rav Just was
born in Slovakia, Rabbi Evers - in Amsterdam, however it is quite
possible that the parents of either one of them were from Czernowitz.
One of the other leading Dutch rabbis, Pinchas Padwa has a
"Czernowitz-sounding" last name - there were many Padwas in

Iosif Vaisman

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Bruce Reisch <> wrote:
> I heard from a friend that the present Chief Rabbi of the Netherlands (who
> is now well over 80 years old) was born in Czernowitz. Can anyone confirm,
> provide his name, or find out more? I can't find confirmation via the web
> so my information might not be good.
> Thank you,
> Bruce Reisch

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