Re: [Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: May 03, 2008

From: Alti Rodal <>
Date: Sun, 04 May 2008 11:12:26 -0400
To: Andrew Halmay <>
Reply-to: Alti Rodal <>

Dear Andrew,

A film on Popovici - that also portrays Jewish life in pre-war
Czernowitz as well as during the 1940-44 period - is an excellent
idea, and your approach sounds very promising. Might we consider a
docu-drama that combines historical footage and photos and survivors'
testimonies with fictional re-enactment of the stories of one or two

Alti Rodal

On 4-May-08, at 9:17 AM, Andrew Halmay wrote:

> Dear Compatriots:
> Regarding Traian Popovici and the plaque, let us put it in
> perspective.

> Now, having been introduced to Popovici and having done additional
> research, I feel we have a powerful story for a film. Compared to
> Schindler, Popovici is huge. Schindler saved 1,200 Jews off whom he
> made good profits, and his original motivation leading to contact
> with these victims was greed. Popovici saved 20,000 and he had
> nothing material to gain in saving them. At worst, he may have
> risked his own life. He was a man of great character, a super-mensch.


> Alles gutes - cu noroc.
> Andy Halmay.
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