[Cz-L] Cost of plaque and other issues

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2008 11:30:56 -0400
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

In answer to my E-mail of May 30, asking those who would like to contribute
money towards paying for the cost of the plaque, to let me know what the
maximum sum of their contribution would be, many members of this list,
generously agreed to pay, up to certain definite sums.

When I add all these sums, the total is less than $1000.
All correspondence within this list, is archived on the "ehpes" website
and open to anyone who wants to read it. Therefore I will not here name
the exact sum, but I will gladly send this information to any member
of the list, who would like to have it.
The information as to who named what sum, shall remain private.

In considering, how much we can afford to pay for the plaque, we must
consider that in addition to the payment to the maker of the plaque,
there will be certain expenses for converting the various currencies,
into either Dollars, Hrivnie or Euros.

Maita Prout has kindly agreed to try and ascertain what the exact demands
of the city administration, in regard to this plaque are. Ideally, I would
like someone within the city administration, who has the authority to do so,
to communicate directly with one of us, as to the specific requirements
pertaining to the plaque: size, shape, material, content, method of mounting
etc. I am not satisfied with a procedure, by which, the city makes the
arrangements with a specific sculptor and we then have to come to a
financial agreement with this specific sculptor, on a take it or leave it
basis. I do not know, whether this is the usual way such projects are
handled in Chernivtsi, or whether it only applies to this case.
Marianne tells us that the sculptor would like to shorten the inscriptions
on the plaque in order to accommodate more decorative elements and/or reduce
the price. In my opinion the inscriptions cannot be significantly shortened,
without diminishing their meaning and intent. Decorative elements, in my
opinion are of secondary importance.

As to the city's consent to having a commemorative plaque to Traian Popovici
placed within the city; I received a general consent to the placing of the
plaque, as early as March 26 of this year. This consent was sent to me by
Mr. Kylynych, councilor of Mayor of Chernivtsi, Mr. M. Fedoruk.
Here is what he wrote:

> In response to your letter about the memorial plaque to Mr. Traian Popovici we
> inform you that Chernivtsi City Council supports the idea of putting the
> memorial plaque honouring the memory of this outstanding figure.
> If you manage to collect necessary money for this plaque we shall find a
> proper public place for commemoration of Mr. Popovici.
> Please keep us informed about the progress of this project.

To my many letters asking for specific information, I received no response.

I started this project on my own initiative and without democratically
ascertaining the majority's wishes and opinions. Quite possibly, I was wrong
to do so. Marianne has suggested that there be a committee to work on this
project with me. So far no one has responded to this suggestion.
I urge you all, to consider it and to voice your opinions.
If I am to continue working on this project, I prefer not to work with a
committee, but to continue as I have done till now, to ask for advice and
help as I need them and to make the final decisions and contact with the
city authorities myself.
It is quite natural and reasonable that many of you would prefer a different
approach and a different person , or group of people to take over from me.
If this is the case, please voice your opinion.

Because there has been such wide interest in this project and because it is
most unlikely that the city of Chernivtsi would put up more than one plaque
to commemorate the actions of Traian Popovici, I think that we need to reach
a general agreement about this one plaque. An agreement which will satisfy
most of us and yet will be feasible.
Our aim is to commemorate the actions and personality of Traian Popovici,
in the city in which he lived and was active. The same city in which many of
us, or our parents were born in. We want to do this, to show our gratitude
and in order to instruct and teach that humane and generous deeds are not
forgotten. If the city of Chernivtsi, intentionally puts obstacles in our
way, we could honor and commemorate Traian Popovici in other places.
If on the other hand, the lack of clarity as to the procedures to follow,
are due to misunderstanding and language difficulties, these obstacles can
be surmounted.

As I see it, the issues to be decided on, are:

1. Should this project be handled by a committee or by an individual?
   (I will gladly and fully hand over all correspondence on this matter
   to any individual or committee selected).
2. What to do about any agreements Josef Zissels or Marianne Hirsch
   made with the sculptor.
3. What attitude or stance to take visa vie the Chernivtsi city

Please send your comments, suggestions and opinions on this matter to the
list, as soon as possible.


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