[Cz-L] Popovici Memorial Pages - on line

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2008 12:50:42 -0700
To: czernowitz-L <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>, Abraham Kogan <akogan_at_netvision.net.il>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>


I've posted what I have done of the Popovici Memorial Pages. At this
point I'm pretty much out of material.

Please take a look at these pages. If you have anything that looks
like a good fit for this section, send it to me. Likewise, any
suggestions for other materials or comments -- send them along.

You can get to the page via the Menu on the home page, or by the
direct link below:

I am considering also to put the testimonies of list members whose
lives or family member's lives were impacted by Traian Popovici. Going
back through the archives, there are some there that were posted to
the list. Are there more? If so, I would collect them for this section.

Abraham Kogan, in a recent post said: "... I was very excited when I
finished the reading [the Carl Hirsch memoir]. He was more than just a
"Real Mensch". I sincerely believe that Traian Popovici deserves much
more than just a plaque somewhere in Cz. Is there still a possibility
to do
something about that?"

Thinking about Abraham's question, and how difficult it seems to be to
get even a small plaque installed, I thought of another question, a
sort of mental experiment:

If you could have exactly what you wanted to memorialize Popovici,
what would that be? Would it be a statue in a park or another public
place? What would it look like? What would the inscription say? Would
it be something else -- a work of art, a different plaque, a poem, a
painting, a video, photographs, what?

And where would this memorial live -- in Czernowitz, Bucharest, Fundu
Moldovei... everywhere, anywhere -- cyberspace?

In cyberspace, anyone can see it and will, AND, it can be anything WE
want. There's no-one to tell us, too big, too small, too short, too
long, not right, not politically possible, not here, not there, too
much money, etc. So, what might it be? Just a thought experiment.

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