[Cz-L] Author Edgar Hilsenrath

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2008 23:54:18 -0400
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

Some of you may be familiar with the books of this author.
I only "discovered" him recently and am currently reading
three of his books:
Die Abenteuer Des Ruben Jablonski
Jossel Wassermanns Heimkehr

Hilsenrath was born in Germany, currently lives in Germany
and writes in German. (Some of his books have been translated).
But his family was originally from Siret in the Bukowina.
In 1938, when the Reichstag was set on fire, his family decided
to return to Siret. There they were caught by the events of WW2
and sent to Transnistria. After the war, Hilsenrath spent some time
in Czernowitz.

His memories of the few years spent in Siret and Czernowitz, seem
to have had a great influence on his writing. He ably describes
the atmosphere in the small towns like Siret, Bukowina summers,
and the traditional way of life and manner of speech in the Jewish

Of the three books, mentioned above, I would particularly recommend
Jossel Wassermanns Heimkehr
And the first few chapters of Die Abenteuer Des Ruben Jablonski.


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