Re: [Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: July 11, 2008

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 18:04:01 -0400
To: Adrian Barbu Berler <>, Czernowitz Genealogy and History <>, HARDY BREIER <>, Hedwig Brener <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <>

Thank you Adrian. As I wrote to the list, Mr. Melnyk had written me,
that in the archives, they found two addresses for Traian Popovici.
One on "28 Chervnia" street and one on " M.Zanıkoventsıka" street.
According to the Ukrainian map on the "ehpes" website,
"M.Zan'kovents'ka" street now comprises both the Hormuzakigasse and
the Karolinengasse (Avram Iancu).

Mr. Melnyk did not tell me the house number on M.Zan'kovents'ka, but
the information from Dr. Billig via Adrian Barbu-Berler agrees with
The one from Mr. Melnyk about the street.
Somewhat contradictory information, comes from Sidi Gross, via Hedwig
Brener. According to this information, the law office of Popovici
was on the Karolinengasse.

I hope hardy can get me a photograph of what used to be #8 Karolinengasse.
 From the look of the building, it may be obvious, whether this was an
apartment building, or a commercial building.

I am still awaiting information from the Library of Congress and
The Library of the Romanian Academy.

We shall overcome!

Anyone remember the words to the song: Unde ie' unu, nui' putere,
                                       la nevoie si la durere...?

> Just talked to Dr.Billig in Sao Paulo, a former neighbor of Traian
> Popovici. It results that Popovici lived in the Carolinen Gasse 8 B
> (Avram Iancu), ground floor, from 1918 through 1940.
> Best regards
> Adrian
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