Re: [Cz-L] curfew

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 18:20:08 -0400
To: "Abraham I. Shafir" <>, Czernowitz <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <>

Shalom Dr. Shafir,

I address this letter both to you as well as the Cz.-List.
You will certainly learn more from Florence Heymann,
who offered you her help and knowledge, but because I think
that this subject may be of interest to many members of the list,
I will write here what I know about the subject:

Colonel Alexandru Rioseanu, then governor of the province of Bucovina,
signed Order # 1344 on July 30 1941. By this order, Jews were restricted
to their quarters after 8:00 PM. till 6:00 AM.
Of the approximately 15 000 Jews remaining in Cernauti after the 1942
deportations only 1000 had work permits. Those with these special permits
were allowed to go and return from work as needed. But sometime in late 1942
the curfew for all other Jews was extended and Jews were allowed
to leave their quarters only from 10:00 Am till 1:00 PM.
This presented a particular hardship in the days when all perishable
food was purchased at the market. By 10:00 AM, there was very little
food left, in fact, many peasants had by then packed up and started back
to their villages. At the same time, the peasants were also prohibited
 from delivering foodstuffs to Jewish homes.

I am not sure if and when the curfew was lifted. Possibly it was lifted
at the same time as the ordinance to wear the yellow star, during
the retreat in early 1944.



> *Shalom from Jerusalem*
> *I was born in Czernowitz on January 1941.*
> *I would like to know if a curfew was imposed on the Jews between 1941 and
> 1944.*
> *Does anybody know the exact date of the curfew (what date it started and
> when was the curfew lifted), which hours?*
> *Is there any bibliography on the affair (Hebrew or English).*
> *thank you - Todah Rabbah*
> **
> *Dr. Abraham I Shafir (Armin Schaier)*
> abahafir1_at_gmail

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