Hi Hardy, for once i must disagree.the last jew did not leave the town. Some
of us stayed all through this time and survived,some of us came back, as
always in czernowitz history some galitzianer survivors came and stayed. The
members of this list and the jews in czernowitz are living proof of this. Am
Israel Chai...and we are part of it!!! cornel
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-2888197-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu
[mailto:bounce-2888197-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of HARDY BREIER
Sent: 25 July 2008 10:15
Subject: [Cz-L] Jubilee
To all Czernowitz 600 jubilee participants.
If you go to the City Jubilee in October to join the celebration remember
this :
The festivities are to be held from October 4 to 10.
The following day is the 11 of October which for us, the Jews of
Czernowitz has a very special significance.
On this day , 67 years ago , the Jewish Ghetto was established. It was a
Many of the Jews that left their homes were not to see them again.
For the Czernowitzer Jewry this was the final chord.
It took 5 more years for the last Jew to leave the town but the fateful
day was October 11 , 1941.
On this day it was demonstrated that Jewish existence in town was no
longer possible.
This day of infamy should be remembered.
If not by others then by us ,the survivors.
If you are in town for the Jubilee, where there will be no mention of
the Jewish story, stay one more day for the Ghetto Day.
Start the day by going down the Russischegasse or the Hauptstrasse
or the Hormuzakigasse in the footsteps of tens of thousands of our brethern
on their way into the Ghetto.
When you reach the Alte Shil on the Synagogengasse, in the heart of
the Ghetto, think of all those who perished and thank God
that you were fortunate to survive.
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