----- Original Message -----
From: "ALFRED SCHNEIDER" <fred2_at_worldnet.att.net>
To: "Abraham Kogan" <akogan_at_netvision.net.il>
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Gary Rogovin Sadagura Jewish cemetery tombstone
lettering question
> Hi,
> Yiddish was seldom, if ever, used on tombstones. but I know of one notable
> exception: the inscription on the tombstone of Eliezer Steinbarg, the
> Yiddish fable writer from Czernowitz. But this was not an ordinary
> memorial, it was a statement of a part of the Jewish population striving
> for a greater role for Yiddish at the expense of traditional Lashon Kodesh
> or assimilationist German.
> Fred Schneider
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Abraham Kogan" <akogan_at_netvision.net.il>
> To: "cornel fleming" <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net>; <grcpa_at_att.net>;
> <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
> Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 2:34 PM
> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Gary Rogovin Sadagura Jewish cemetery tombstone
> lettering question
>> As far as I can remember, there was not one single tombstone with a
>> Yiddish text in the Sadagura Cemetery. Let's also make it clear regarding
>> the Hebrew inscriptions: most of the Jewish population in Sadagora did
>> not speak our modern Hebrew. What they did in writing, both for texts on
>> tombstones and for correspondence among rabbis, orthodox Jews and in many
>> cases also for commercial correspondence (like my paternal grandfather)
>> was called "Loshen Koidesh".
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