[Cz-L] Planning for the rehabilitation and maintenance of the Chernivtsi Jewish cemetery

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 15:11:19 -0400
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

Dear All,

As you know, the Chernivtsi Jewish cemetery is currently completely
overgrown with sapling trees, creeping vines, bushes and weeds.
Part of the fence around the cemetery needs to be replaced or repaired.
Some of the gravestones have toppled or are likely to topple soon.
The municipality does nothing for the regular maintenance of the cemetery.

This summer's SVIT Ukraine work-camp to clear part of the cemetery
of sapling trees and climbing vines, highlighted the necessity
for a general plan on how to proceed with both the renovation
and the maintenance of the cemetery. Without a general plan, we are
likely to proceed ineffectually and inefficiently and even do harm,
rather than good.

We do not have the funds or the cohesive organization to hire experts
to do the research, planning and execution of the necessary work.
Considering the horrible condition of the cemetery and it's rapidly
progressing deterioration we also cannot afford to wait.
This list has a membership of over 300 people and surely, at least
some of us, have the time and ability to research some of the topics on
which we need to be well informed before we develop a general comprehensive
plan for the rehabilitation and long-term maintenance of the cemetery.

What follows is a list, developed by Christian Hermann and me, of
the topics to be researched. We hope that other members of the list,
will suggest other topics, we may have overlooked.

1. The legal status of the cemetery, who has authority over it and is
   supposed to maintain it. Has the city applied to UNESCO for
   World - Heritage status and is the cemetery part of their application?
2. Ukrainian, International and Jewish organizations which could advise
   and/or fund the rehabilitation and maintenance of the cemetery.

3. Technical and expert advice on old cemetery conservancy and management
   including weed control, path maintenance and advice from those in charge
   of old, well preserved cemeteries.

4. Organizations which may send volunteers to the expected work-camps by
   SVIT Ukraine as well as possibly organizing additional work-camps.

5. Materials and machinery/tools used in the clearing and maintenance of the
   cemetery available and affordable in the Ukraine.

PLEASE HELP. Suggest other topics to be added to the above list
             as you see fit.

             Volunteer to research one or more of the above topics,
             make it one of your new-year resolutions.
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