Hello: I am new to writing in to this list, but not new to reading it.
Does anyone know if the Jews from the Sniatzyn (a bike ride away from
were also buried in the Czernowitz cemetery. Or was there a cemetery in
My grandmother Yettie HERMAN COHN came from Sniatzyn and also her relatives
came from Kolomaya.
Thanks for any thoughts on this you might have.
Sandra Greenberg
Denver, CO
_sangreenb_at_aol.com_ (mailto:sangreenb_at_aol.com)
In a message dated 1/23/2009 11:33:49 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,
czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu writes:
CZERNOWITZ-L Digest for Friday, January 23, 2009.
1. [Cz-L] Groisse Schil
2. RE: [Cz-L] [Fwd: Juedischer Friedhof in Czernowitz]
3. RE: [Cz-L] [Fwd: Juedischer Friedhof in Czernowitz]
4. [Cz-L] presentation on cemetery project
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Czernowitz and Sadagora Jewish History and Genealogy. The opinions expressed
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the opinions of the List Owner, the Webmaster or any other members
or entities connected with this mailing list. The Czernowitz-L list has
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Received on 2009-01-24 15:38:54
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