[Cz-L] The International Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony at the UN

From: Abraham Kogan <akogan_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 19:29:50 +0200
To: Ruth Gold-Glasberg <glasgold_at_bellsouth.net>, Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Abraham Kogan <akogan_at_netvision.net.il>

Dear friends,

I managed to see on-line the International Holocaust Commemoration ceremony
at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

The speech delivered by my former Czernowitzer neighbor and friend, Ruth
Glasberg-Gold, was wonderful. In my view, her appearance was indeed
impressing, inspiring and fascinating. She spoke about our hometown
Czernowitz and mentioned the important role of Dr.Traian Popovici in saving
19,600 Jews from deportation. She provided the UN audience a vivid
description of the Transnistria pains, horrors and sufferings, as well as
her family's and personal tragedy.

Like the title of her book, it was a long and horrible journey until she
managed to come to Israel.

It was quite a speech ! We should be very proud of her.

At the end of the ceremony, Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, at present the Chief
Rabbi of Tel Aviv, delivered a long and emotional speech; he is well known
in Israel as an outstanding orator.

All the best,

Abraham K.
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