Dear Mimi - be happy to send you a check - but a mailing address would be
handy. "Perseverance furthers" says the I Ching (and probably all the wise
books in their different ways do too) and you really persevered!
congratulations to you. Remember how I once suggested that you could write a
(Kafkaesque) novel about all the procedures you went through to get to this
point? That could be your next project.
I wouldn't mind making my check for $50 since that's what I thought it would
come to when I volunteered - and would suggest that any surplus monies be
donated to local Jewish organizations, like the museum, Hased-Shoshana or
wherever else it might be needed.
Am really sorry to be unable to attend the ceremony! having been there so
recently I can't again afford to expend the time and money - but am sure it
will be a poignant, emotional moment! I'll have to go visit the plaque
another time.
all best
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:04 AM, Miriam Taylor <>wrote:
> Dear Czernowitzers,
> The engraver/stone-mason is now working on the plaque
> and it will be ready sometime in March.
> Dr. Bursuc is taking care of all the necessary local arrangements,
> both for having the plaque made and for the unveiling ceremony
> and the reception which will follow.
> The total cost of having the plaque designed, made and attached
> is $750. I previously paid $250 to the designer and $500 I recently
> sent to Dr. Bursuc.
> This is more than the sum of $569 - $696 I had thought the plaque
> would cost, but there may be minor expenses I had not considered.
> Many of you have previously offered to contribute towards payment
> for the plaque. Because of the cost involved in cashing checks
> in foreign currencies, I think it would be best if only those of you,
> who are able to send me checks in US dollars, do so.
> I assume that there are about 25 - 30 of you and therefore ask,
> that you each send me a check for $25.
> Please make the check payable to Miriam Taylor.
> Should I receive more than the necessary sum, I will add any extra
> money received to the money left over from the reunion
> and set aside for the renovation/rehabilitation of the cemetery.
> Mimi
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