RE: [Cz-L] Gregor Von Rezzori's war years in Berlin

From: cornel fleming <>
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 15:23:58 +0000
To: 'Ina Lancman' <>, 'Czernowitz Genealogy and History' <>
Reply-to: cornel fleming <>

Hi Ina...I cannot comment on Gregor von R. But there are documented stories
of others who did the same. But,what is more,I have a book called"Hitlers
Juedische Soldaten"...and there were quite a number of these!!! Cornel

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Ina Lancman
Sent: 21 February 2009 13:12
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History
Subject: [Cz-L] Gregor Von Rezzori's war years in Berlin

Dear Czernowitzers,
I recently read, for the first time, Rezzori. The books I read were all
about prewar times. I then looked him up on the Internet, and the only
place that had the most information was Wikepedia. The following
paragraph gave me a pause:

In 1938 he moved to Berlin, where he became active as a novelist,
journalist, writer in radio broadcasting, and film production. Given his
Romanian citizenship, von Rezzori was not drafted by Nazi authorities
during World War II.

So, he spent the war years in Berlin, was obviously active in the arts
and media, and even published three novels:
Flamme, die sich verzehrt ("Self-extinguishing Flame", novel, 1940)
Rombachs einsame Jahre, ("Rombach's Lonely Years", novel, 1942)
Rose Manzani (novel, 1944)

Could one have done all that without the blessings of the Nazi regime?

Has anyone read any of these three books?
Wikepedia lists about 24 titles published by Rezzori. Do you know if any
of them are about his war years in Berlin, or contain at least some
mention of those years?

I found a few old reviews of his English-edition books on the Internet.
When they do mention this part of his bio, they do it in passing and in
such a matter-of-fact fashion, as if he had spent the war years in New
York or Montreal, free to pursue his literary and journalistic
ambitions, with no restrictions/impositions by a ruling ideology.

Looking forward to any illumination on the subject,

Ina Lancman

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