Hi Mimi, as far as the cemetery is concerned nobody will argue with the good
job you are doing. But,we do not need to get "a concensus of opinion" nor do
we have to " choose a spokesperson". Mr,Kynylych is already in contact with
Jerome and all that is needed is a list of family names sent and to work out
the payment method. The city authorities have decided where the names will
be placed so that aspect is settled. Cornel
-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Taylor [mailto:mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu]
Sent: 26 February 2009 16:12
To: Cornel Fleming; Jerome Schatten; Czernowitz
Subject: Cooperating, negotiating with Mr. Kylynych
Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Hello all,
In reply to Cornel's Email of Feb. 26th:
I agree that as a group we are more effective than each one of us
individually. But getting a consensus of opinion within such a large
group, as the Cz.-List is not easy, nor is choosing a spokesperson,
who would represent our wishes and suggestions.
I therefore believe, that on matters which are important only to some
of us, or matters which have not been discussed within the list, each
one of us write to Mr. Kylynych individually and make suggestions as
we see fit. Having our family names inscribed on paving stones, is
in my opinion such a matter.
On matters which concern all or most of us, such as the cemetery,
we need to negotiate with the city in as much as possible,
as a united group.
There is no defined consensus among us about what we can practically
and effectively do about the terrible state the cemetery is in and
how we can ensure its maintenance. Neither have we elected any people
to make the relevant decisions or represent us in our negotiations
with the city.
Never the less, some of us have spent time studying the problem and
the possible solutions, also have been involved in doing something
practical in alleviating the situation.
Sasha Wolloch and I have been among the members of the list who have
done so. We will be in Chernivtsi in April and would like to have the
agreement of members of the list, that during our stay, we meet with
Mr. Kylynych and talk with him about the rehabilitation of the cemetery
and its continuous future maintenance. I very much believe that until
we do so, it would be counterproductive for individual members of
the list to send suggestions or demands to Mr. Kylynych, dealing with
this issue.
In our meeting with Mr. Kylynych, we expect to make concrete suggestions
for the work we would like the city to do and how this work can be
accomplished with a minimum of expenditure and in the most effective
and efficient manner.
We will also talk about what we as a group will endeavour to do in order
to restore and preserve the cemetery, such as:
Restoring broken tombstones, advising on financial help available from
international charitable organizations and providing publicity for the
efforts of the city to do he restoration. We will also emphasize that
a restored and well maintained Jewish cemetery will contribute to
the status and attractiveness of the city and encourage tourism to it.
I would greatly value the opinions of members of the list
about what I wrote here, also advice about what more, regarding the
cemetery, you think we should discuss with Mr. Kylynych.
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