[Cz-L] Fw: Ringplatz

Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2009 15:39:12 +0200
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>

      Ringplatz ,our central square.

 Platz is square in German . But not only.
  It is also a" place ". Also a market.
   If you went to the" Platz " in Czernowitz you meant the market.

  Ring is the same as in English .
  So Ringplatz woud mean "Circular or Ring market or square".
    But the Ringplatz isn't circular ,it is square or rather rectangular.
   Strictly speaking it is a trapezoid as the 2 streets forming it are not
   The south latera ,near the Rathaus is wider than the north one.
     So what is the Ring meaning then ?

     Rynok in the local Ukrainean lingo means market or square .

      The Ringplatz started as marketplace for peasants of the surrounding
       They called it the Rynok.
      Then came the Austrians and the Ukrainean name for the central square
     was unacceptable.
        So they compromised : Rynokplatz. Rynok for the locals - Platz for
 the authorities.
        Rynokplatz , Rynokplatz, Ringplatz.Ringplatz.

   ( All the above is based on my speculation, it may be so , it may not ).
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