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Rand H. Fishbein, Ph.D.
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By: myzeidi
Date: February 9, 2009
Hour: 11:23:17 Hrs.
Views: 78
MyZeidi Yiddish Song "Geven Amol is a Stetl" by Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman
She was born in Vienna into an Eastern-European, Yiddish-speaking family;
her family left for Czernowitz, Ukraine (then Romania) and settled there
when Schaechter-Gottesman was a young child. She was brought up in a
multi-lingual environment that included Yiddish, German, Romanian, and
Ukrainian; she also studied French and Latin at school. They were a singing
family and her mother, Lifshe Schaechter, was known for her wide folk
repertoire. Schaechter-Gottesman was sent to Vienna for art lessons, but wa=
forced to return to Czernowitz when the Germans invaded Austria in 1938. In
1941 she married a medical doctor, Jonas (Yoyne) Gottesman, and together
they lived out the war in the Czernowitz ghetto, along with her mother and
several other family members.
After the war, Schaechter-Gottesman lived several years in Vienna, where he=
husband had a chief position ("Chefarzt") in the DP camps in the area. Thei=
daughter Taube was born there in 1950; the family moved to New York in 1951=
where the Gottesmans had two other children, Hyam and Itzik. In New York th=
Gottesmans took part in an experimental Yiddish community in the Bronx,
centered around Bainbridge Avenue. There a half-dozen Yiddish-speaking
families bought adjacent houses and reinvigorated the existing Sholem
Aleichem Yiddish School. Schaechter-Gottesman became an important member of
this community, writing classroom materials, plays and songs for the school
as well as editing a magazine for children ("Kinderzhurnal") and a magazine
of children's writings ("Enge-benge").
Schaechter-Gottesman's first book of poetry, "Mir Forn" (We're Travelling)
appeared in 1963. Her books, eight in total, have appeared regularly since
then. They include poetry for adults, children's books and song books. She
has recorded three CDs of her songs and one recording of folk songs. Her
work does not revolve around a single theme but ranges widely from Eastern
European subjects to contemporary New York, and from lighthearted children'=
fare to such sombre reflections as "Di Balade Funem Elftn September" (The
Ballad of September 11th). Her best-known single work is "Harbstlid" (Autum=
Song). Schaechter-Gottesman's songs have been performed by Theodore Bikel,
Adrienne Cooper, Theresa Tova, Lucette van den Berg, Michael Alpert, Lorin
Sklamberg, Sharon Jan Bernstein, Fabian Schnedler, Massel-Tov and others. A
song written for her nephew, "Binyumele's Bar Mitsve", was adapted by
Adrienne Cooper for her daughter as "Sorele's Bas Mitsve" and was recorded
on the CD Mikveh.
Schaechter-Gottesman continues to serve as a resource for researchers of
both Yiddish folk and art music. She has been recorded and interviewed
numerous times and participated in such cultural events as KlezKamp,
KlezKanada, Buffalo on the Roof, Ashkenaz, and Weimar KlezmerWochen. "
In 1998 Schaechter-Gottesman was inducted into the People's Hall of Fame at
City Lore in New York; and in 2005 she received a National Endowment for th=
Arts Heritage Fellowship, one of the highest cultural honors given by a
United States government agency. She was the first Yiddish poet or musical
figure to receive this honor.
A shtetl (Yiddish: , diminutive form of Yiddish shtot , "town", pronounced
very similarly to the South German diminutive "Städtle", "little town") w=
typically a small town with a large Jewish population in pre-Holocaust
Central and Eastern Europe. Shtetls (Yiddish plural: , shtetlekh) were
mainly found in the areas which constituted the 19th century Pale of
Settlement in the Russian Empire, the Congress Kingdom of Poland, Galicia,
and Romania. A larger city, like Lemberg or Czernowitz, was called a shtot
(Yiddish: ); a smaller village was called a dorf (Yiddish: ).
The concept of shtetl culture is used as a metaphor for the traditional way
of life of 19th-century Eastern European Jews. Shtetls are portrayed as
pious communities following Orthodox Judaism, socially stable and unchangin=
despite outside influence or attacks. The Holocaust resulted in the
disappearance of the vast majority of shtetls, through both extermination
and mass exodus...
Category: Music Videos in Yiddish
Duration: 6:04 Min.
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