[Cz-L] [Fwd: Re: Chernivtsi project]

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 09:43:52 -0700
To: czernowitz-L <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>

Czernowitzers: Below is a forwarded message from Jozef Markiewicz
responding to my message of yesterday. If someone could respond to him
with contact information for Natalya Shevchenko, the director of the
Jewish Museum in Czernowitz, I think he would appreciate that.

------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Józef Markiewicz" <jozef.markiewicz_at_gmail.com>
To: romers_at_shaw.ca, helena_k_at_ukrwest.net, czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: Chernivtsi project]
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 05:15:19 -0700

I am very grateful to you for your answer and appreciate your interest
in our project.

On Thursday and Friday (23-24.04.09) I will be in Chernivtsi. I would
like to ask you if in Chernivtsi is anybody from The Bukowina Jewish
Museum of History & Culture, with whom I could have a talk these days?

Our project is carring out as a part of Geschichtswerkstatt Europa:
http://www.instytut.net/de/service/geschichtswerkstatt/. I am
travelling now so the more information about our project I will send
on Saturday or Sunday.

With best regards,
Józef Markiewicz

> ------------------ Исходное сообщение -------------------
> Тема: Re: Chernivtsi project
> От: "jerome schatten" <romers_at_shaw.ca>
> Дата: Втр, 21 Апр 2009, 05:48
> Кому: helena_k_at_ukrwest.net
> Копия: "czernowitz-L" <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Greetings Helena and Joseph, and thank you for your email describing
> your project. Because it is already April 20, a meeting in the time
> frame you suggest will not be possible.
> I have made Google translations, Ukrainian to English, of what you
> sent including the attachment. The translations were then sent to
> over
> 350 of our list members who have roots in and around Czernowitz. Of
> course the translations were not perfect as they were done by a
> computer.
> Hopefully, those members of our group who have an interest in your
> project will be contacting you shortly. There is already some
> interest.
> It would be helpful if you could communicate with us in English as
> there are very few of us that are literate in Ukrainian. We hope to
> hear more about what you are doing, who you represent, and how you
> think we could be of assistance.
> Good luck on your project and best regards,
> Jerome Schatten - webmaster for http://czernowitz.ehpes.com
> Vancouver, Canada

Pozdrawiam serdecznie,

Józef Markiewicz
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