Wir, richtige alte Czernowitzer denken alle in der selben Weise.
As soon as I saw the map Hardy sent us, I thought that this might be
the same map I was shown by the "surveyor" in Chernivtsi. The map
I was shown, was a printed one and in color. On it, the area cleared
last year by the vlunteers, looked considerably beter than other areas.
It may be the exact same map as found on Google or a new version of it.
In the winter the snow weighs down on the branches of the trees
and bushes and this makes the paths look better on a satellite picture,
than in reality. I hope to have my new pictures of the cemetery
developed soon as well as digital photographs from Sasha, which
I will then send to the list.
I too calculated the area of the cemetery from a Google map,
I downloaded and came to the conclusion that the size of the cemetery
is close to 14 hektares, possibly only 13 hektares. It is dificult
to guess where exactly the borders at the northern and southern ends are.
Thanks to all of you, for thinking, searching and calculating and writing.
Any chance of any of you going to Czernowitz this summer?
> The Sat picture shows a grid of paths covering the cemetery.
> So the place is not so impenetrable as I thought.
> As it looks you can cross the place in any direction.
> What is the size of a square in the grid ?
> Some show vegetation ,others not .
> I will try to zoom in.
> Hardy
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Berti" <berti_at_netvision.net.il>
> To: "Miriam Taylor" <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>; "Abraham Kogan"
> <akogan_at_netvision.net.il>
> Cc: "'HARDY BREIER'" <HARDY3_at_bezeqint.net>; <AJS1PRES_at_aol.com>;
> <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:52 AM
>> The Google Air picture of the cemetery shows the estimate of14 Ha surface to
>> be quite probable.
>> I totally agree with Mimi and Abraham as to having Dr Bursuc be our local
>> representative.
>> We could not be in a better position to do our part in this project.
>> Berti
> -snip-
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