[Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: May 05, 2009

From: Andrew Halmay <venivici_at_rogers.com>
Date: Tue, 05 May 2009 23:54:27 -0700 (PDT)
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Andrew Halmay <venivici_at_rogers.com>

Friends, Czernowitzers, Romans, Countrymen and Undertakers -

Re the Cemetery Project.
I have no objections to a trial with a Dr. Bursuc or anyone else but I woul=
d like to save Mimi from another fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, roller coast=
er effort with a flow of reports of disappointments and disasters that wore =
me out even as a distant bystander.

While we all deeply appreciate and laud Mimi's effort on the plaque, I don'=
t want to see her running herself into a hospital or grave and, as Hardy poi=
nts out, we are owed a report on the final moment of glory before she gallop=
s off on the next project - (after having put us through the ups and downs o=
f adventures worthy of a Cervantes novel)

We have sincere interest among a small number of us to get the cemetery cle=
ared and maintained. Bruce points out that there are funding sources outside=
 our group. For starters, however, it is important to determine wh=
at is feasible.  Let us form a committee of three to five who will take=
 charge of PLANNING and who will write a business plan, so to speak, that wi=
ll determine the economic feasibility of the project - how much can be raise=
d within our group, how much can be raised from outside sources, etc.

I hate the word “committee” but we need a small group which=
 will be in charge of the project and will report to the rest of us on their=
 progress or come to us on major decision.

I'm back to my hands. I would like to see a show of hands from volunteers t=
o sit on the committee. We already have a chair for the committee – =
Mimi, as always, is champing at the bit. I don't want to see her committing =
herself financially on behalf of the rest of us. It is not fair nor professi=

Various ideas and suggestions can come from all of us but the main work and=
 responsibility will be that of the committee. We are not making an MGM Andy=
 Hardy movie in which Mickey Rooney says, “Hey, let's put on a show.=

I have a dozen suggestions for the fund raising effort but I'll sit on thes=
e to submit to the committee once one has been formed.  I would lo=
ve to volunteer to work on the committee but I have far more than I can hand=
le in my own little world.  I'm simply putting in my two cents because =
I would like to see this project done and if you approach it without proper =
planning you'll end up like so many wannabe film producers who start pr=
oduction before being fully funded and end up with unfinished films.
All the best,

----- Original Message ----
From: Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.ed=
To: czernowitz-l digest recipients <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2009 12:31:02 AM
Subject: czernowitz-l digest: May 05, 2009

CZERNOWITZ-L Digest for Tuesday, May 05, 2009.

1. Re: [Cz-L] Heritage Foundation
2. [Cz-L] The 21 of April in Czernowitz
3. [Cz-L] Korn Synagogue
4. Re: [Cz-L] Other options for restoring the cemetery
5. [Cz-L] Gold's "History of the Jews in the Bukowina" updated on JewishGen
6. [Cz-L] To attendees of 2006 Czernowitz Reunion
7. Re: [Cz-L] Other options for restoring the cemetery
8. Re: [Cz-L] Other options for restoring the cemetery
9. RE: [Cz-L] To attendees of 2006 Czernowitz Reunion
10. RE: [Cz-L] To attendees of 2006 Czernowitz Reunion
11. [Cz-L] please post
12. Re: [Cz-L] please post
13. Re: [Cz-L] To attendees of 2006 Czernowitz Reunion
14. Re: [Cz-L] Other options for restoring the cemetery
15. [Cz-L] Film received about CZ Cemetary
16. [Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: May 04, 2009

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