[Cz-L] Various

From: E. & G. Weissmann <EGWeissmann_at_gmx.net>
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 11:53:18 +0200
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: "E. & G. Weissmann" <EGWeissmann_at_gmx.net>

Just a few comments to the last e-mails. Not so long ago, about one year
ago,I suggested just that: that the cemeteery can best and cheapest be
cleared by people in
Czernowitz, on the spot, and that someone take care that the work is
implemented correctly. There were no reactions from anybody. Now it has
come just to that.
2. Dear Mimi - The cemetery has unfortunately been vandalized in the
past. The first time I visited it in 1999, there were quite a few
gravestones turned over and the graves empty. I wonder what they did to
the bones. Horrible picture.
And the German (!) group we were with, who accompanied us there, started
putting back the heavy slabs of stone, without anyone asking for it, my
mother and myself, the only Jewish people there, were quite impressed
and moved.
3. In 2006 I arrived in town a few days before the Reunion started. My
first visit was to the cemetery . The outer walls had been demolished
and stones were lying
alongside the street. On the second day they were already being
repaired, word had gone that a larger group of visitors was
coming...When the reunion started,
the repairs were finished.No comment.
Thanks for Hardy for keeping our feet on the ground! And not only our
feet. His comments bring a daily smile on opening CZ-L mails. And Andrew
too is right.

Eduard & Gabriele Weissmann
Kaiserdamm 18
D- 14057 Berlin

Tel./Fax: +49.30.321 15 38
E-Mail: EGWeissmann_at_gmx.net
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