Re: [Cz-L] Novoselitsa Cem. restoration photos posted

From: yosi-jerry <>
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 02:05:00 +0300
To: jerome schatten <>, Bernard Cedar <>,
Reply-to: yosi-jerry <>

Dear All
 What was done till now in Novoselitsa is the first stage, which means: 1.
cleaning the vegetation (which was less dense than in Czernowitz); 2.
building the wall and gates. The area is something like 1.25 Hectare. Dr.
Bursuk found and was the mediator to the contractor (a Jew from Czernowitz)
till the work was finished. and was intervener to the town Mayoress. Stage
two ( which depends on rising the needed sum) will be either about restoring
the gravestones or erecting a proper monument over the holocaust mass grave
which is distanced from the graveyard. If I may add - the main problem of
such a project is raising the funds which according to the Novoselitsa
experience starts with establishing a non-profit organization.
 Yossi Eshet (Jerry Wolf), Raanana, Israel

----- Original Message -----
From: "jerome schatten" <>
To: "Bernard Cedar" <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Novoselitsa Cem. restoration photos posted

>I will leave this to Yosi, as I know only what he said when he sent the
>pictures. Yosi?
> Best,
> jerome
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