> Dear Mr. Fleming,
> The recipe with the cherries and sugar was in high esteem
> in my grand-mother's house and its perfume is still in my
> memory linked to her image. Her mother, LINA FLETINGER, as
> she appears in a document of my grand-mother (certificate of
> marriage), was born in Czernowitz in 1871-1873.
> As I saw in a list of people in Czernowitz , your
> ancestors' name was Fleminger. I wonder , the two names
> Fletinger and Fleminer could have been contected sometimes
> in the old records? I mention that I am not certain about
> the religion of my great grand-mother, Lina Fletinger (or
> Felzinger, as my grand-mother pronounced it) as she,
> Lina, eloped with a Romanian when she was 16 years of
> age and came for a visit in Kaczika and remainded with him
> in South Romania. She was bannished by her family in
> Czernowitz and my mother knows nothing about them.
> I would be very grateful, should you let me know in case
> the two names were related sometimes in the old history.
> best regards,
> Laila Ciogolea
> Bucharest
> --- On Wed, 2/3/10, cornel fleming <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net>
> wrote:
> > From: cornel fleming <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net>
> > Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Piteygasse
> > To: "'Miriam Taylor'" <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>,
> Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
> > Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2010, 8:10 PM
> > Hi Mimi...your description of
> > Vishniak rang a very loud bell. Years ago, on
> > an Air Force base "somewhere in Israel" there was a
> > Bukowina-born
> > "Nashak".thats the guy in charge of the base
> armoury.One
> > day he said his
> > grandfather made Vishniak and he had the recipe
> written
> > down. I got a large
> > acid carboy bottle and the result was certainly a)
> > potent and B) very very
> > tasty, and as far as I can remember his recipe and
> yours
> > were the same.
> > Cornel
> >
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