The recent letters to the list about schools in Czernowitz, made me look
at the school certificates of my father and mother. Eventually, if there is
enough interest, I will scan all of them and make them available to everyone
The two earliest, I found so far are: one from the year 1915/1916 and one
from the year 1918/19. Both from the "Sechsklassige kommunale /stadtische
Volksschule in Czernowitz-Manasteriska. They are respectively the school
certificates of the second and fifth grade. It is interesting to see the
subjects and behaviour on which the students were graded:
Betragen (Behaviour)
Fleiss (Industry)
Religionslerhre (Religeous studies)
Lesen (Reading)
Deutsche Unterichtssprache (German language of instruction)
Rechnen und geometrische Formenlehre (Arithmetic and geometric forms study)
Naturgeschichte und Naturlehre (history and study of nature)
Erkunde und Geschichte (History)
Schreiben (writing)
Zeichnen (drawing)
Gesang (singing)
Turnen (gymnastics)
Aussere Form und schrifliche Arbeiten (exterior form and written work)
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