Hi, Because some of you located the "Aurora" near the Deutsches Haus, and
someone wrote that is was some steps down, allow me to clarify...
The owner of Aurora was Prof.Dr.Ephraim Brenner and his wife Paula (my
parents in law) and also the compagnon Adolf Rosenwald.
The bookstore was connected to the Zsolnay-Verlag, Vienna and had all the
recent published books, like Wassermann, Stephan Zweig, Werfel, and.
art-books, the library, with 6000 volumes in many languages.
The Aurora was located across the Kochanowskigasse.There were to steps up,
not down...
The Literaria, owner Niedermayer, had french books, also german and
english, the family was deported to Siberia in 1941.
The owner of "Eminescu" bookstore and library, had also a room for tickets
for theater, when artists from abroad came en tournee, the owner was
Fam.Gutherz,(hey were deported to Transnistria ) in the same building in the
courtyard was the "Allgemeine Zeitung"
All these bookstores were located in the Herrengasse.there was an other
bookstore in the Rathausstrasse, Rauch, there were also antiquariat and also
musik-notes and in the Hauptstrasse, a bit down the hill was an antiquariat
in a cellar, Wieselberg,there you could find Dox, the 5 lei collection, der
gute Kamerad, Universum, Cuore, das Kraenzchen for girls,etc. In the
Senkowitaschgassen near the Theaterplatz was the little bookstore
"Maurueber"( the uncle of Emmanuel Weissglas).with some socialistic books
and magazines....The "german bookstore " Muehldorf,", formerly Schally) with
books from the Edition "Deutsche Buchgemeinschaft "was in the 30-ies in the
Magistrat, corner to Liliengasse, after 1939 on the Ringplatz, Piata Unirii,
corner Rathausstrasse, were once was "Dermata"
Regards Hedwig Brenner
----- Original Message -----
From: "ALFRED SCHNEIDER" <asfred_at_comcast.net>
To: "berti glaubach" <bertigl_at_windowslive.com>
Cc: "Czernowitz-L" <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Are you from Rumania ?
> Servus,
> Your mentioning of "Aurora" brought back memories: this was not only a
> book
> lending library but a substantial book dealer, primarily in German books,
> where my father who was a bibliophile often shopped. There were two other
> Jewish-owned bookstores selling German books on the Herrengasse:
> "Literaria"
> and "Eminescu", the latter in the same building where the offices of the
> "Allgemeine Zeitung" was housed. This was another evidence for the lasting
> interest many Jews in Czernowitz retained in "die Sprache der Moerderer"
> (the language of the murderers - to quote Paul Celan), as late as 1940.
> Alfred (Fred) Schneider
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