Re: [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum

From: yosi-jerry <>
Date: Fri, 07 May 2010 20:15:10 +0300
To: Miriam Taylor <>, HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>,
Reply-to: yosi-jerry <>

Dear all
 Some facts, and a penny worth...
 1. My parents and I got a Popovici authorization (like other members of a
close circle of family members and friends) and I know 100% sure that we
didn't pay for it but got it by a connection to him.
 2. Most members of my family who didn't get the authorization and were
deported in 1941 perished in Transnistria.
 3. When Calotescu annulated most of the authorizations my parents and I
were deported like many others in 1942. We survived (in our case
miraculously) but many others from this group perished if by hunger, if by
sickness, were shot by the Romanian "Jandarms" (like the inmates of the
"Sichen Heim" = Home of mentally disabled), others perished or were killed
at the hands of the Germans across the Bug river (like Selma Meerbaum).
 4. Beside all the atrocities my parents and I experienced 2 cases of
benefaction during our period in Transnistria. One by a "Jandarm" and an
Ukrainian peasant family, and one by a German officer (who actually saved my
father's life).
 5. There were official Ukrainian units in the German army who took part in
the annihilation of Jews.
 6. I met in Israel young intelligent well educated immigrants from
Chernivtsi whom I had to make many efforts to convince that Chernivtsi and
North Bucovina were part of Romania between the two world wars. Everybody
who experienced the Soviet indoctrination can bear witness to it's
effectivity. Many Jews were part of of the system.
  Based on my life experience, human beings are not Saints or Angels from
Heaven, and it's my opinion that people should restrain themselves when they
use superlatives in describing one of their kind.
  Thank you for you patience.
 Shabat Shalom
Yosef Eshet, Raanana, Israel

----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum

In case anyone else reading Hardy's message makes the same mistake, I made
and thinks that this "livejournal" report is on a recent interview with
Natalya Shevchenko, I would like to stress that this is a quotation of what
she said to Marian and Leo, quite some time ago.
In the Jewish museum there are on display photocopies of Popovici
authorizations and the memorial plaque to Traian Popovici is on display in a
central part of town.

Last summer, while in Czernowitz, I happened to meet with two researchers
from the Holocaust museum in Washington, who were conducting research about
the extend to which Jewish people are publicly commemorated in Ukrainian
cities and towns. They told me that Chernivtsi, is one of the cities, in
which Jewish famous people are commemorated more than in most other cities.


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