A few comments to the latest mails:
In 1999 I was in Czernowitz with my mother (for the first time for her since the war). We inquired about Edy Wagner's tomb and were immediately
put in touch with Mrs. Finkel. When she heard that we were with a group of
tourists, she arranged a meeting at the cemetery, and spoke to the whole group about Edy Wagner as an anti-fascist fighter,in very praiseworthy terms. She was a nice woman, with views that still were coloured by
Communist propaganda. I believe I have the books at home, but will check
on my return, am not there at present.
2.As to Paul Celan: a longer time ago I worked for the Canadian government in Berlin and was often in touch with the Embassy in Bonn. There there worked a certain Paul Shaffler, who was a first degree cousin of Paul
Celan (Paul und Paul he used to say), who had lived in England and had
even been in the Royal Air Force. Shaffler died about 15 years ago and I could try to get some information from the Embassy.I know he had a daughter. Maybe this aunt was his mother or another close relative.
3. The Eliezer-Steinbarg Society is just a room in the Jewish House, with
shabby furniture, a few yellowed photos on the walls of Steinbarg, Meerbaum, Celan, etc. I was there last in 2006, with someone from the group, we left some money. Two persons were in charge,
they sometimes organize lectures about the Jewish literary scene, but there is nothing really organized, lacking money and someone with energy
and the will to "spread the word". Maybe things have changed now.
4. As to Popovici - reading his memoirs I get the impression that he was
a deeply religious man, which might explain his attitude towards the Jewish population and his great actions. However, maybe some of the persons who received the authorizations brought "presents" out of gratitude, and possibly they were accepted.
Not easy to believe in saints.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 07 May 2010 00:42:57 -0400
> Von: "Czernowitz Genealogy and History digest" <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
> An: "czernowitz-l digest recipients" <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
> Betreff: czernowitz-l digest: May 06, 2010
> CZERNOWITZ-L Digest for Thursday, May 06, 2010.
> 1. [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum
> 2. Re: [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum
> 3. Re: [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum
> 4. RE: [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum
> 5. Re: [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum
> 6. Re: [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum
> 7. [Cz-L] FW: Paul Celan
> 8. RE: [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum
> 9. Re: [Cz-L] Popovici at the Jewish Museum
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