[Cz-L] Opinions on the Ehpes blog.

Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 08:06:56 +0300
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>

This is an extract from the Ehpes Blog.
  For all those who do not look too often at the latest entries.
   As the Blog is open to all ,just as the Cz -l , strange opinions
   find their way to the blog.
    Like the one below .
   The writer , aware of the orientation of the group, makes his
   point , adressing us directly.
      Edgar responds accordingly.
    Just to remind us that hate of Jews survived.


The jews of 1918 Romania found asylum from Slavic persecutions. However,
many of them became NKVD assasins and killed and deported over 10,000
Romanians from Basarabia/Bukovina between 1939-1941 (when Stalin and Hitler
diktated these Romanian lands be given to Soviet Union and N. transylvania
to Hungarians). Any mass killings of Jews between 1941-1944 were
retaliations for the Romanian victims killed by the Communist Jews between
39-41(you reap what you saw).
YET, Romania PROHIBITTED the Germans to take to the extermination camps ANY
Romanian-Jew, because they were citizens of Romania. Hungary didn’t,
Bulgaria didn’t, Poland didn’t, Ukraine didn’t; but “Fascist” Romania
PROTECTED its Jews from the camps and only killed the Bukovinean/Besserabian
Jews who had witnessed and provoked the Romanian genocide between 1939-1941.

Edgar Hauster
Giga’s comment is a perfect example for stereotypical anti-Semitic,
Romanian-nationalistic, anticommunistic positions, which made possible the
Romanian Holocaust during WW2. Each and every of Giga’s “arguments” has been
disproved by historiography. It was not the Romanian “hospitality”, which
saved Jews from death, but the crushing defeat of Stalingrad, which
prevented Ion Antonescu from completing the “Final Solution” for Romanian
Jews. However, about 300,000 Jews and Roma paid with their lives for the
dream of Greater Romania.
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