Re: [Cz-L] 3 new albums of cards and photos posted...

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 12:19:03 -0400
To: jerome schatten <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

Dear Jerome and members of the list,

I certainly did not mean to ask Jerome to translate the captions on the
pictures which are posted on LiveJournal, or anything written on the
postcards, I also do not expect Jerome to recognize the locations shown.

But there are members of this list, who read Ukrainian and could translate
what is written either on the captions or on the postcards themselves. There
are also members of the list who remember Czernowitz as it was, and could
identify the locations shown in the photographs.

I am asking that those who can translate from Ukrainian and or identify
locations, volunteer to do so and help the rest of us ignoramuses.


On 5/22/10 12:00 PM, "jerome schatten" <> wrote:

> Hi Mimi et al.
> Let me use this post to try and clear up the notion of dating and
> location of the pictures in the albums.
> What I'm trying to do is capture the pre-1945 photos and cards that are
> posted on LiveJournal so that if LiveJournal ever goes under or starts
> eliminating their older posts to save server space, the materials won't
> be lost. I don't collect the captions, some of which may contain the
> date and location.
> To capture the contextual material would require me, for each photo, to
> use Google Language Tools to translate the Ukrainian into English and
> then to append that to the photograph as a caption when I make the
> album. A nightmare of a process considering the number of photos
> collected.
> It is possible, for a photo of interest, to go back to LiveJournal and
> find it the hard way, by looking for it, then applying whatever tools
> you have to decode the caption. You'll find most of the time, it says
> something like: 'Old photo - before 1930'. Stuff that's pretty obvious
> by looking at the photo in the first place.
> It is also possible to join the LiveJournal gr_czernowitz community and
> to post there. Or, simply visit it each day and collect what is of
> interest to you -- original captions and all.

> Best,
> jerome
> On Sat, 2010-05-22 at 00:43 -0400, Miriam Taylor wrote:
>> Thank you Jerome.
>> These are very interesting.
>> Would one of the members of the list who read Ukrainian, translate what it
>> says on the captions. Also if anyone can identify the location and the date,
>> this would also be information, many of us would appreciate.
>> Mimi

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