[Cz-L] Czernowitz Jewish cemetery

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 17:21:30 -0400
To: "Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu" <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

Hello Czernowitzers,

Work to clear the cemetery of sapling trees, bushes and vines continues
this summer and by the end of August, I expect that 7.3 hectares of the
cemetery will have been cleared of all weedy vegetation.

In the fall the city administration will cut down some of the mature Norway
maples, which by their abundant seed production contribute greatly to the
growth of sapling trees. The city will also spray some cleared areas with
herbicides. Other areas will be sprayed with herbicides generously supplied
to us free of charge by Monsanto.

Yet, unless more people contribute financially to CJCRO, the restoration of
the cemetery will stop right there. 4.3 hectares of the cemetery will remain
in their jungle-like condition and seeds from the invasive trees, bushes and
vines which grow in that part of the cemetery, will scatter to the cleared
areas, so that they too, will return to their previous neglected state.

So far all contributions to CJCRO, have come from just 62 individual
contributors. Many more members of this list have relatives interred in the
Czernowitz Jewish cemetery, yet they have not participated in this communal

Please, if you have not contributed so far, contribute now.
Do not let the cemetery become a jungle. Do not expect others to pay for the
restoration of YOUR ancestors gravesites.

Please send contributions from within the US, either by personal check made
out to "Czernowitz Jewish Cemetery Restoration Organization" and sent to me
Miriam Taylor
3712 Brownridge Rd.
Bloomington IN 47401

Or, by wire transfer, directly to the CJCRO bank account at
 J P Morgan Chase Bank, branch 000831,
located at :
  2642 E3rd street
  Bloomington IN 47401-4208

 The SWIFT number of the account is: 074000010
 and the account number is: 833738792.
  If you do wire transfer your contribution directly to the bank account,
  please also Email me the date and amount of your contribution.
  I will acknowledge the receipt of your contributions as soon as they have
  been credited to the account.

 Contributions from Europe, Australia, South America, or anywhere outside
  the US, can be sent to me via Western Union, at my address:
     Miriam Taylor
     712 Brownridge Rd.
     Bloomington IN 47401

 Contributions from Canada should be in US Dollars and made out by a bank
 which has branches in the US. Otherwise, I have to pay $45 for the
  transfer of funds.

 Contributions from Israel: Please send personal checks made out to
 Dov Glaubach (Berti) to:
 Berthold Dov Glaubach
 Zivanit 6/2
 Haifa 34481

     Berti will acknowledge the receipt of each check by Email to the
     He will combine the checks, into one sum, which he will wire transfer
     to the bank.
     Berti will also inform Wolfi (Wolfgang Schaechter) of each contribution
     and each contributor will get a second acknowledgement from Wolfi.


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 Czernowitz and Sadagora Jewish History and Genealogy. The opinions expressed
 in these posts are the opinions of the original poster only and not necessarily
 the opinions of the List Owner, the Webmaster or any other members
 or entities connected with this mailing list. The Czernowitz-L list has
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