Re: [Cz-L]RE: czernowitz-l digest: October 31, 2010

Date: Mon, 01 Nov 2010 17:49:35 +0200
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <>, veni vici <>

Andy ,
  This is great,
     Rhyming the list,
       Whith kissed ,
        is genial.
           But dont forget it also rhymes with :
                and pissed.
----- Original Message -----
From: "veni vici" <>
To: "Czernowitz Genealogy and History" <>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 4:41 PM
Subject: [Cz-L]RE: czernowitz-l digest: October 31, 2010

This morning's messages from the List made me feel like a rich man with a
big family with lessons in proper German by Abraham and Mimi and Cornel and
Hardy to even snippets of recordings von Spanien bis Czernowitz; pictures
sent by Hardy; Lucca's sporting life and some haunting lines from Anny.
It's odd how a single line can reach deep down into the soul to paint
pictures of the past - the silence of snow - and I found myself singing:

Now that I’m a rich man
Daidle deedle daidle
Daidle daidle deedle daidle dum
Every morning I get kissed
By email from my new mishpokhe
The members of the Czernowitzer List

Zolst you all have rich, long and healthy lives.


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