[Cz-L] pictures?

From: Paul Heger <pheger_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 21:44:09 +0200
To: Czernowitz-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Paul Heger <pheger_at_gmail.com>

I am not familiar with the administrative intricacies of our web site, that
is, who is who? I transmitted about a year ago 2 school class pictures of
=93Safa Ivriah=94 Hebrew School from the early 30,=92 and a few months ago =
picture of me taken at the same period at the Kriegerdenkmal and a picture
of myself at the same spot in 2009. Now, a big Crucifix replaced the
Kriegerdenkmal, and the entire style of the garden is drastically changed. =
have not seen them at ehpes. Where could they be?

I have a picture of the Pessach Seder (it was taken in Hol Hamoed, since ou=
family was orthodox) of our family in 1930, in Czernowitz.

Would it be of interest for our members?

I will appreciate a reply

Paul/Pesach Heger
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