Re: [Cz-L] Teenager Communists and the Torture!

Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2010 09:31:59 +0200
To: Edgar Hauster <>, Czernowitz Discussion Group <>

What amazes me is the freedom of press in these years.
  I dont know who ruled in Bucharest in 1932 but as far as jews
  were concerned there was general consent..
   Everything was permitted.
    How did they permit this press report ?
     Was the" Tag " jewish owned ?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Edgar Hauster" <>
To: "Czernowitz Discussion Group" <>
Cc: "Silviu Landman" <>; "Irene Fishler"
<>; "Klaus Binder" <>; "Berti
Glaubach" <>
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 7:55 AM
Subject: [Cz-L] Teenager Communists and the Torture!


May Day 1932, Czernowitz police and secret service authotities started to
conduct mass arrests of so-called "communists". But who were in fact those
"communists"? They were teenagers, students, coming from a good home, in the
majority of cases a Jewish one, opposing against the virulent anti-Semitism
and awaking fascism in Romania during the Interwar period.

Which serious crimes did they commit? They gathered in "conspirative
apartments" [owned by their parents], argued for many hours and at the end
of the day agreed on the text for a pamphlet. Then the flyers were typed, so
the typewriters were arrested = confiscated by the police too.

What happend to our teenager communists, while they were imprisoned? They
were humiliated, knocked unconscious and tortured by police officers.

What happened to the torturers? Nothing!

That's a lie or exaggerated? I'm afraid not, as you may learn from "today's"
[i.e. 03.12.1932/2010] edition of "Der Tag - The Day"
(, covering on p. 3 three communists
trials, as released to our Blog:

T H E D E F E N D A N T S:
Natan Melzer, Michel Weißmann, Jos. Salamander, Litman Färber, Mordko
Weißberg, Alexander Ghelmann, Walter Roll, Demostenes Hoch, Dagobert Herzig,
N. Engel, J. Kurzberg, Moritz Scherzer, J. Teller, Abraham Weißmann, J.
Favinschi, J. Griseanu, Gisela Linker, Mart. Krasnopolski, A. Gluzmann,
Moses Weißberg, H. Gabe, E. Blickstein, E. Klein, B. Locker, G. Pochmarski,
Alexander Ghelmann.

T H E D E F E N S E L A W Y E R S:
Nicu Adelstein, Jakob Bitter, Dr. Siegfried Hitzig, Dr. Louis Hausknecht,
Aron Kupferschmied, Dr. Friedrich Melzer, Prof. Radulescu, Siegfried
Rosenzweig, Schapirin.

T H E T O R T U R E R S:
Moritz Rottenberg, Josef Tiron, Emanuel Hartl, Ioan Onciul.

I'll come back with more details on this sensational trail and the response
of Heinrich Goldmann, the editor in charge of "Der Tag - The Day".

Edgar Hauster
Lent - The Netherlands

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