[Cz-L] Re: Roza Dauber and Jewish Museum

From: Merle Kastner <merlek_at_videotron.ca>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 18:28:10 -0500
Reply-to: Merle Kastner <merlek_at_videotron.ca>
To: Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>, markwiznitzer_at_gmail.com, Peter Elbau <peter_at_elbau.net>

Dear Edgar et al,

I would like to add that if there is a need for an excellent researcher 'on
the ground'
in Bukovina, I can highly recommend Dorin Fraenkel. You can contact him at:
dorifrankel2000_at_yahoo.de (he lives in Radauti and will travel anywhere in

Best wishes from cold Montreal.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Edgar Hauster" <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>
To: <markwiznitzer_at_gmail.com>; "Merle Kastner" <merlek_at_videotron.ca>; "Peter
Elbau" <peter_at_elbau.net>
Cc: "Czernowitz Discussion Group" <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>; "Galina
Kharaz" <galochka99_at_gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:12 PM
Subject: FW: Roza Dauber and Jewish Museum

Mark, Merle and Peter,

Thank you so much for your kind assistance. Mark, your mail is very
impressive, Merle yours is very helpful too and Peter, thank you for the
confirmation of the locality names. Please find below Galina's mail and - as
Galina - I do hope, there will be even more mails.

Warmest wishes from (today) good old Germany!

Edgar Hauster
Lent - The Netherlands


> From: galochka99_at_gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 20:40:45 +0200
> Subject: Roza Dauber and Jewish Museum
> To: bconcept_at_hotmail.com
> Dear Edgar,
> my sincere gratitude to you and to all who responded to a request from
> Rose Dauber.
> I forwarded the messages to the address of Larissa. I hope that there
> will be additional messages.


> With best wishes and greetings from Jerusalem,
> Galina.
> --
> Пусть все будет хорошо!
> Ваша Galochka99

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