Re: [Cz-L] 30 January 1933: Machtergreifung - Seizure of Power

From: <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 11:42:27 -0500
To: Edgar Hauster <>

I have often wondered how my parents and their friends and relatives
were so blind to the looming danger. It was not until 1939 that my
parents started looking into the possibility of immigrating to a safe
Life in Czernowitz was still good, despite the institutionalized
discrimination instigated by the Romanian government. I think that many
Jewish Czernowitzers were firm believers in an ideal civilized and
egalitarian future.
They believed in the transforming virtues of education, science and
They had been brought up on Goethe and Schiller, they listened to Mozart
and sang the songs of Schubert, it was inconceivable to them that
civilized countries would engage in mass murder.

  Quoting Edgar Hauster <>:

> Czernowitzers?
> Reading day by day the Czernowitz newspaper "Der Tag - The Day"
> covering the events seventy-eight years ago today, I cannot do
> otherwise but reminding you, that on 30 January 1933 Hitler was sworn
> in as Chancellor of Germany. We all know, that this historic event
> had a tremendous influence on the exsistence of a billion people,
> including our ancestors and last but not least affected indirectly
> the life of each and every one of us too. Therefore please have a
> look at the front page of the 1 February 1933 edition of "Der Tag -
> The Day", posted to our Blog:
> What was the perception and the prospect of Arnold Schwarz, the
> editor of "Der Tag - The Day"? He wrote: "As now Hitler became
> Chancellor of the Reich, will the world be out of joint and is
> Germany going to face a revoultion? Lead block weights are on
> Hitler's legs and brake mechanisms on his arms - such a government
> cannot be anything else but an experiment and that's, what it's going
> to be. He will not be able to put into practice the radicalism, that
> he has sermonized up to now."
> That was the conventional wisdom worldwide at the time, from London
> to New York, from Paris to Tokyo. Everyone thought, that Hitler will
> be under the control of the conservative political circles in
> Germany. As early as a few months later it has been learned that a
> vital error of judgement happened.
> Please read and commemorate!
> FOOTNOTE: From page 2 of the same edition of "Der Tag - The Day" (i.
> e. 01.02.1933/2011) we learn, that Traian Popovici acted then as one
> of the defending lawyers for the 41 textile workers charged with
> so-called communist activities.
> Edgar Hauster
> Lent - The Netherlands
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