If you lived in a communal house , like I did , there was a problem
taking midnight strolls.
There was a gate time ( Torzeit) when the gate was locked.
Around 10 pm. By that time all tenants were asleep.
There was a bell , activated by rods , you had to pull.
This awakened the Hausmeister (janitor) who arrived with a lantern
and the house key.
A few curious tenants peeped out of their windows to check
out who was going out at such a late hour.
Gossip about alleged gallant adventures was exchanged.:
"Der Lonziu geit wider zi sein Chonte "
To this the retort :" Farmach dus Fenster , di lost di ganze Hitz arois"
After paying the Torgeld he would let you out.
Now you had two choices : Downstreet or Upstreet.
Downstreet is not very safe , neither is upstreet.
But upstreet is toward the city center and soon we pass the
Greek Catholic church with the big onion cupola.
Then we turn left into Petrovitchgasse then left to Josefgasse
skirting the Armenian church- then right into Armeniergasse
and two minutes later we are on Herrengasse.
" Midnight , Not a sound from the pavement "
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