Hi Anny,
I do not know, who is interested in life stories about Czernowitz...
I never put my books on the list, I even not exist as writer on the
list..... I wrote and published in the last 13 years 6 books. : 2 volumes A
family-Saga: "Leas course" and "My 20-th century", published at Munda Vlg,
.Switzerland,, 3 Vol."Jewish women in visual arts", the 4. vol will be
avaiable in January (a lexicon, 1300 biographies, with CD, with works of the
artists, and "My old Czernowitz"these books published by Prof. R. Wiehn,
Hartung/Gorre, Konstanz.And the next project is already on a CD, I have not
yet the editor:"Sum, ergo cogito" not like Descartes:Cogito, ergo
sum?...Poetry and short stories by my late husband and me...Someo0ne put me
in the german Wikipedia, with an incorrect biography, I do not know who it
is, as lexicograph...
Shabbat Shalom
----- Original Message -----
From: "Anny Matar" <annymatar_at_gmail.com>
To: "Arthur von Czernowitz" <vonczernowitz_at_yahoo.com>
Cc: "Lydia Schmerler" <lydia.sch_at_dbmail.com>; "Lucca"
<lucca99_at_netvision.net.il>; <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] My first day at school,
> Lydia asked me a question as to where she could find the things I've
> written. Sorry I can't answer it because as soon as its off I have never
> thought of bringing my own writing back, Please can anyone help Lydia (and
> me inadvertently),
> Shabbat Shalom to one and all,
> anny M.
> [At czernowitz.ehpes.com click on Cz-L Archives. Choose a Time Period of
> interest. Click on "Sort by Author". Now everything is sorted by Given
> Name. Moderator B]
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