Re: [Cz-L] Steinbarg's Book?

From: Hedwig Brenner <>
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2011 16:22:20 +0200
To: jerome schatten <>,
Reply-to: Hedwig Brenner <>

Hi Jerome, I have a roumanian edithion of El.Steinbarg's fables published in
Bucarest, Editura Tineretului, ,1955 ,in the tranlation of Emile Dortan...
with a portrait in woodcut by Arthur Kolnik.
 also asmall book, written by Vera Hacken : "Kinder-und- Jugendjahre mit
Eliezer Steinbarg,'( Child-and- youth-years with E.St.)and a book"Songs to
Jewish poetry, vol 2. composer Emanuel Hacken, with some
poetry of Vera Hacken.e were good friens and my late husband translated one
of Veras Poetries from Yiddish into german..."Gespraech mit Gott"
(Discussion with God)
If you wish I can scan it for Ehpes...
Bests reguards Hedwig

----- Original Message -----
From: "jerome schatten" <>
To: "I Vaisman" <>
Cc: "czernowitz-L" <>; "Miriam Taylor"
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 2:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Steinbarg's Book?

> Thank you Iosif for the excellent information! I did not realize what I
> was after was so freely accessible on your website. Under the
> circumstances, there's no reason for me to re-do what you have already
> done so very well. I just point myself to the links you have provided
> and let the Yiddish flow.
> Best,
> jerome

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