Re: [Cz-L] New on the website 06 Jan.2011

From: Merle Kastner <>
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2011 13:50:35 -0500
Reply-to: Merle Kastner <>
To: jerome schatten <>,

Dear Jerome,

You put it perfectly in the last paragraph of your message:

"For me it is not a longing to return to the days of childhood, but
rather to construct for the first time, the stories that no-one bothered
to tell me."

I am a 3rd generation Bukoviner (primarily Radauti, some Czernowitz).
My grandfather was born there, came to Canada in 1900 at the age
of (he 'said') 15 yrs. to join two of his brothers who were already
here. He met and married my grandmother in Montreal and my
father was born in here in 1914. I think that there are more on the
Cz list in similar situations to ours than we realize - hungry for knowledge
of where our families came from, our roots.


----- Original Message -----
From: "jerome schatten" <>
To: "czernowitz-L" <>
Cc: "Paul Heger" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 6:06 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] New on the website 06 Jan.2011

> Czernowiters....
> On the home page ( right now, is a real
> example of what was... a 1929 picture from Paul Pessach Heger of a
> family seder. This and two other photos have bee inserted in the Album
> of Pre 1945 Czernowitz Photos -> Photos from List Members (not 'of', but
> 'from'). They are photos 36/37/38. in the Album.
> It is from these photos and stories from list members that I have
> manufactured my Czernowitz. I think of myself as a second generation
> Czernowitzer -- my GF was married there in 1901; my father was born
> there in 1903. By 1908 most of the family was in NYC. My father knew and
> remembered nothing of, and thus transmitted nothing to me about
> Czernowitz. His father lived and worked in Czernowitz for probably 20
> years and also transmitted nothing of that life to me. My GGF is safely
> under the brush in the cemetery. He was a rope maker (a Seiler). His
> stone says his father was a Rabbi. Of these things I am reasonably
> certain.
> But, as Hardy pointed out, many of us construct a mental Czernowitz, an
> alternate reality, appropriating those stories and events which seem
> likely to have occurred, or that we wish had happened, without much care
> as to whether it did or did not unfold quite that way.
> I am happy with my Czernowitz -- it has Jewish shop keepers, lawyers,
> doctors, professors, tradesmen, students, bankers, labourers, merchants,
> thieves, writers, painters, poets, musicians and prostitutes in it.
> There are still horse drawn vehicles plying the streets; The Temple is
> full every Shabbos. I can hear the sounds of children playing and old
> men praying. I can smell the latkes cooking and Yiddish is everywhere --
> so vivid have been the histories, stories and photos that you have
> presented on the List and on the Website. And for all this, I thank
> you!
> For me it is not a longing to return to the days of childhood, but
> rather to construct for the first time, the stories that no-one bothered
> to tell me.
> We trundle on...
> jerome
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