Re: [Cz-L] Walking the streets of Czernowitz...

From: Arthur von Czernowitz <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 03:39:29 -0800 (PST)
Reply-to: Arthur von Czernowitz <>

Dear Anny C.
In 1988 was my first visit to Czernowitz after 43 years. I arrived by train from Lviv (Lemberg). The first thing that I did on arrival, was to visit the area of my grandmother’s house. I did not go in as there was no answer to my knocks at the door. We lived there after returning from concentration camp. I walked to my school, through the Volkspark.
The hole in the fence where I used to make a short cut was still there. Nearing the Volkspark I heard music. An orchestra was playing in the gazebo in the middle of the park, just as it used to do when I lived there. Nothing has changed, chills went up and down my spine and it seemed as though time stood still, I was back where it all begun. The old paths in the park were unchanged. Life had stood still for 40 years. I walked down the Siebenbürgerstrasse to the Ringplatz, gazed at the town hall, walked to the Herrengasse, found the Russischegasse, the street where I was born. The experience was exhilarating.
Dear Anny “mach den Sprung” make the leap.


--- On Sat, 1/15/11, jerome schatten <> wrote:

From: jerome schatten <>
Subject: [Cz-L] Walking the streets of Czernowitz...
To: "czernowitz-L" <>
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 11:03 PM

Czernowtizers.... below is a message from Anny Chemla that for some
inexplicable reason, never made it through to the list (I think):

CHEMLA Anny <>
Anny Matar <>,
Merle Kastner <>
jerome schatten <>,
Re: [Cz-L] New on the website 06
01/15/2011 06:17:34 AM (Sat, 15 Jan
2011 14:17:34 +0000 (GMT))

Dear all,
This morning when I woke up after dreaming about my mother, I have seen
her in my dream young and walking in Czernowitz streets, its certainly
following all those beautiful stories that I read from all of you. I
would like one day and I will go there when I will be able to do it. Its
not true that we dont want to go there. A few years ago I proposed my
aunt Martha Schäfer Vortreflich to go there together as she was born
there in 1922 but she refused. She didnt want to be disepointed, Today
she is not in good health but still has her memories from there.
Please continue to tell us all those stories as, we,  the new
generation, needs it. In my case, it feels my heart the missing
presence of my mother.
Thanks to all of you, shabat shalom Anny


Now speaking of 'Walking the streets of Czernowitz', and artfully so,
have a look at the home page...

Lilian Madfes drew this from a photo (late 20's, early 30's?) of her
lovely aunt Lisa. It has been displayed in galleries in Uruguay and I
believe has now been sold.



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