Hi Arlene.... well I just checked the Czernowitz City Directories on the
website... There are 3 Samet's in the 1909 dirctory; 1 in 1914; 6 in
1927; and 5 in the 1932 directory. Your mom ought to have a field day
with this as the given names and addresses are listed.
By way of this email, I will ask our list members if they have any
recollections of any SAMETs, and for them to contact you directly if
they do.
May I suggest, if you're doing any serious research, that you should
join our group of over 350 researchers. Instructions are on our website:
Jerome Schatten -webmaster for Cz-L
Vancouver, Canada
On Mon, 2011-01-31 at 22:07 -0500, Arlene Fins wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm so pleased to see this website.
> I wonder if there's anyone alive now who
> would remember any of the Samet family. My mother's father (Adolf)
> came to the
> U.S. from Czernowitz before the war. But one of his brothers and
> nephew
> remained as did his mother, I believe. The brother was taken out into
> the
> middle of the town and shot to death by the Nazis. His son witnessed
> it and
> fled to Israel (joined the Irgun). I believe they were Chaim
> ('Heimi') and Leib.
> My grandfather was one of seven brothers. They had some kind of
> store.
> My mother is still alive and she remembers some stories from her
> father and
> uncles.
> Thank you so much.
> Arlene Fins
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