I love this list! How interesting that you found this Edgar. Did you just
put in his name and find that out?
Thank you so much. I will check it out immediately.
On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
> Ilana...
> I think you would like to know, that there is a wonderful article for your
> maternal great grandfather Adolf Gedaly, published in the 17.07.1932 edition
> of Czernowitz newspaper "Der Tag - The Day", released at
> http://czernowitzdaily.blogspot.com/
> Your great grandfather owned in 1932 the "Baia Venetia" the "Venice
> Bathhouse" and they organized for PR a public singing contest. These were
> the awards:
> 1. 1 complete [!!!] radio set
> 2. 10 Columbia records
> 3. 10 x 1 Columbia record
> Just amazing, especially that as a winner you get a complete radio set. If
> you would like to learn more on that subject, please go the the
> Transcriptions & Archives Section
> http://dertag.forenworld.com/index.php
> and enter "Gedaly" in the search field at the top of the page. You'll find
> there the transcription of this article. I'll send the excerpt by separate
> mail to you.
> BTW, the above search procedure is easy-to-use for everyone, who is looking
> for Czernowitz related names, mentioned in "Der Tag - The Day" in 1932/1933.
> In case, you don't read German, you may copy and paste the respective
> transcription to an online translator.
> Best wishes from the Netherlands!
> Edgar Hauster
> Lent - The Netherlands
> http://hauster.blogspot.com/
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