[Cz-L]How Ordonanta 23 was conceived.

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 22:04:11 +0200
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>

As G-day (Ghetto day) was coming near , Calotescu's staff officers faced
a problem :How to announce the Ghetto and how to define the perimeter.
  Drawing the lines of the territory on a city map was no problem.
   Putting it on a poster too. But would the Jews understand where the
   Ghetto was ? Do all Jews read maps ? Many don't . So what next ?
     Than somebody suggested a much simpler approach : Make a
  list of streets of the Ghetto. (Most streets if not all ). This is where
   Jews were allowed to be .
      All the other streets were not Ghetto streets .
     This included all small connectors of Ghetto streets which
      were too many to mention but were of course Ghetto streets.
      But this was of secondary importance.
        What was important that Jews knew from this list where they must NOT
        But even this list was not satisfactory and needed some cartography:
       " From here in a straight line from Calea Pungasilor until Fundatura
          Mama Dracului until it crosses Strada Derbedeilor."
           Jews reading this on that Saturday morning streets were not in
           a mood of drawing lines.
                But they understood.
              And they moved to the right streets.
              Today we draw maps and wonder how this territory called Ghetto
           had no defined borderlines.


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