Re: [Cz-L]Travel to Chernivtsi

From: Mark Wiznitzer <>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 17:49:30 -0500
To: Miriam Taylor <>
Reply-to: Mark Wiznitzer <>

Mimi et al -

I hope your guidance will help others who are looking for ancestors in
the cemetery.
But before our travel last May, Eric Jankel and I found all the
information on the location of our grandparents' graves just as you
suggest in your step-by-step instructions.

We easily located the double grave of Eric's grandparents, which was
exactly where it was supposed to be according to the online records
and sector map of the cemetery.
However, three of us were unable to find my grandfather Leib's grave
using the official cemetery map and knowing the location was supposed
to be sector 107.
So, fearing I would not find any of my ancestors during our brief
visit (finding my grandmother's grave required a second trip when my
family and I cleared the cemetery of Waschkoutz), I asked Lubavitch
Rabbi Menachem Glitzenstein of Chernivtsi for help; he recommended
Lifshitz. Whatever complaints others may have about Leonid, and I
agree that he is a difficult person to deal with. he led us to the
site 2 days later.

Obviously, I would not have used his services if we had succeeded in
finding the grave on our own.


On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Miriam Taylor <> wrote:
> I would like to reiterate what I wrote about finding specific tombstones at
> the Jewish cemetery in Chernivtsi and give some examples.
> If you want to find the location of a particular grave at the Jewish
> cemetery in Chernivtsi, access the " JewishGen Worldwide Burial Registry at:
> Fill out the required small form to get to see the information you are
> looking for. This includes any of the following: surname, given name,
> given name of father, Hebrew name, town.
> Under town, please write Chernivtsi (the current name and spelling).
> Lower down there is a space for Geographical Region in which you want to
> look. Scroll down the list of regions until you come to Ukraine, then scroll
> down about an inch and a half more, till you come to a subheading,
> Austrian Empire and then further down till you come to a sub-sub heading,
> Bucovina. This is the region you want. Click on it and press the bar which
> says:
> Search the JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry.
> I filled out the small form, stating  Wiznitzer as the surname, Chernivtsi
> as the town and Bucovina as the region. I did not state a given name.
> Where it is possible to state whether the names are "is exactly" or "sounds
> like" I chose "is exactly".
> The search brought up three graves of people named Wiznitzer, two of them
> men, one the grave of a woman. One grave was of Arie Leib Wiznitzer, ben
> Abraham, who died in 1929 and is interred in area 107. There is a photograph
> showing the grave.
> I then accessed the "official cemetery map from the Chernivtsi cemetery
> administration" which can be found in the section "The Czernowitz Jewish
> Cemetery" on the Ehpes website.
> This map shows area #107 close to the northern perimeter of the cemetery.
> The size of the whole cemetery is about 11.6 hectares, area 107 is one of
> the smaller areas and measures about 56 square meter, or about 7x8 meter.
> CJCRO had area 107, cleared of vegetation in 2009.
> It would have been easy to find the grave without the help of Leonid.
> There are graves in the Czernowitz Jewish cemetery which are not included in
> the "JewishGen Worldwide Burial Registry". If you cannot find information
> about a grave you are looking for, Bruce Reisch may be able to provide you
> the necessary information from photocopies of the burial registers of the
> city. But please keep in mind, that Bruce is a busy person and try to first
> find the information you are looking for at JOWBR on your own.
> Another resource to consult are the Picasaweb Albums of photographs taken at
> the cemetery in recent years and available at:
> For instance:
> CzernowitzJewishCemetery#
> Among the photographs of tombstones in this album there is one of another
> Wiznitzer;  Yaakov, ben Israel Yehudah Wiznitzer, 1877 - 1934.
> Mimi

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