Thanks to all who have advised me how to sort the data of the address books
according to the street addresses.
Edgar arranged the data and sent me a list of the names of all the people
who in the years 1898, 1909 and 1914 are listed as living on the St.
Nikolausgasse. As much as I can judge by their names, most of them are
indeed Jewish, as asserted by Hardy, but there are quite a few non-Jewish
names. Proof of the mixing of the population in Czernowitz.
These are some of the names, which I think are not Jewish:
For instance:
Roman Gerowski Arzt
Nikolaus Hrankowskyi Priester
Anton Pokornyi Forstmeister
Johann Tyminski k. k. Finanz
Maria Kedzierski Witwe
Marjan Bernaczik Ofensetzer
Klimczak Kasimir Metalgieser
Florian Panzier Mechaniker
Adella Mitkiewicz Privatlehrerin
Witowski Witold Assekuranzbeamter
Either the priest Nikolaus Hrankowski, or the physician Roman Gerowski,
or the forestry director Anton Pokornyimight have been able to afford this
ornate door.
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