Dear all,
Sorry to intervene so late in this very interesting discussion on the documents that one or the other of us may have and how to preserve them, possibly giving them available to researchers and/or exploit them.
I probably misunderstood when Mimi said she didn't know researchers working on the Jews of Eastern Europe. There are of course dozens and dozens of good researchers of all nationalities who write in all lanquages on this subject and precisely on the basis of diairies or personal correspondances.
I am precisely now writing a book based on letters from members of my family, just before and during WWII.
All the ideas developed in your exchanges are excellent. I could add the archives of Beit Lohamei gettaot (where I gave myself copies of my own documents) or to the Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris.
Obviously, one problem is that if these records are filed in the U.S., it favors the U.S. researchers, in Israel, the Israelian ones, etc.
Perhaps, it could be possible that all of us which possess documents and accept to share them with the others would scan them and our webmaster could perhaps find a way to put them on ehpes.
Thus, each of us could have access to these files without having to think about expensive trips to Washington or Jerusalem.
It is sure that we have to find a legal framework for an eventual utilization of the archives (but in this subject, I am not very good).
Florence Heymann
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